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CO2 Laser Stretch Marks Removal

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CO2 Laser Stretch Marks Removal

Why do skin cracks occur?

Laser Stretch Mark Treatment Generally, skin cracks appear as a result of intense and continuous tension in the subcutaneous tissues due to weight gain in different parts of the body. Stretching the skin triggers the release of chemicals from some cells in the skin. As a result, collagen and elastic fibers in the dermis are damaged.


When do skin cracks appear?

It can occur on the abdomen and breasts of pregnant women, on the shoulders of bodybuilders, in body parts that develop suddenly during adolescence, and in those who are overweight. In addition, skin cracks develop in Cushing's disease, which causes long-term oral or applied cortisone use and excessive cortisone production in the body.


Who gets skin cracks most often?

Skin cracks occur more frequently in women. Stretch marks can be seen in 90% of pregnant women, 70% of teenage girls, and 40% of teenage boys, especially those who do sports. Skin cracking mostly affects teenagers, pregnant women and those with overactive adrenal glands.


What do skin cracks look like?

Early skin cracks appear as pink, itchy, line-shaped bumps on the skin. Over time, the skin crack turns white and becomes sunken from the skin. It can be of different lengths and 1-10 mm in width. Some cracks may lighten and disappear over time.


Which part of the body is most affected by skin cracking?

In pregnant women, the abdomen and breasts are affected. During puberty, the armpit, thigh area and coccyx are affected in boys, and the hips and breasts in girls. However, it can be seen in different parts of the body, such as the back of the knee and the upper arm. With long-term cortisone use, skin cracks may appear deeper, wider and more widespread.


Which creams are used in the treatment of skin cracks?

Substances known to be effective in the treatment of stretch marks may be effective by increasing collagen and elastin in the skin. Especially creams containing vitamin A have been found to be very effective when used regularly for 3-6 months. Since these creams can irritate the skin, they may need to be used every other day or on certain days of the week. Apart from vitamin A creams, creams with vitamin C, fruit acids, peptides, growth factors, stem cells and antioxidants can also be tried.


Which lasers are used in the treatment of skin cracks?

Laser, light and radiofrequency treatments are very effective in skin cracks. Particularly fractional laser and fractional radiofrequency provide the most effective treatments.


How to treat cracks with fractional laser and radiofrequency?

These treatments should be done for at least 4-6 sessions, 3-6 weeks apart. Treatment sessions may be increased depending on the response received.


What are the symptoms on the skin after stretch mark treatment with fractional laser and radiofrequency?

After the procedure, there may be redness and crusting on the skin that lasts for 1-10 days, depending on the device and area applied. When applying laser and light systems, which are said to be effective on skin cracks, people with dark skin should be careful as spots may remain on the skin. Fractional radiofrequency can be applied to any skin color.


What are the methods that treat stretch marks through skin renewal?

Skin renewing methods such as PRP-stem cell, mesolift, dermaroller, microdermabrasion and chemical peeling can be used in the treatment of stretch marks as they increase collagen and elastin. Much more successful results can be obtained by using these treatments together or alternately with laser-light-radiofrequency treatments. In general, they are methods without side effects.

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